Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Darjeeling Limited

movie info:
This Adventure-Comedy was released on September 29th, 2007, filmed in India, directed by Wes Anderson and stars Amara Karan, Camilla Rutherford, Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman.

Honestly, I have been waiting to see this movie for a long time, not that I had huge expectations , but exactly opposite, I guess because I wanted to be surprised by Wes Anderson. The movie did surprised me very pleasantly but however I had a feeling that the movie is not finished. This assumption has nothing to do with the ending, the film ends just on time before it become adventure movie in search for runaway mother . The story is simple almost archetypical- spiritual journey in unknown land, the purpose here goes one layer deeper and include the story about the mother(Anjelica Huston) who become a nun in the Himalayas.Its interesting that the journey take place in India. Besides the colorful and picturesque scenery that the country have to offer there is another element that is attached to the place itself. First, India is "the mysterious old world" , mysterious as the human heart or life itself. The other thing is the "Mother-India" slogan associated with the country. I was very surprised by the role of the mother in the movie played by Anjelica Huston(she was shortly said -amazing here, as usual). She is not portrayed as archetypical mother one would expect to see. With short white hair, white nun's cloths resembling an angel and with dark black crayon make up on her eyes gaining a demonic depth, she gives -love, hugs, breakfast, advices....and she leaves...freeing her kids to give them a chance to go back on the road (life) and experience the true spiritual journey(love, joy, sadness, loss...) . The train here is a metaphor of that life, once you get of the train (go out from the society or the role you are playing) you are in the jungle, in the place of uncertainty and hence that is the place where you have the unique chance to find yourself. "Catching the train" in the beginning sequence is very significant I think (When "the businessman" (Bill Murrey) is over run by Adrien Brody), what is it was opposite... probably all the movie would be different. The journey is important here because they(the brothers) are together . They connect and learn how to trust each-other and most important have real fate (the feather thing) .

The movie is greatly inspired by the movie "River" (Jean Renoir) which was screened to Anderson by Scorcese, and the movie of the great indian director Satyajit Ray(he is even listed in the credits).
Visually the movie is very beautiful - colorful & stylish. I really like slow motion in cinema, especially here I enjoyed the slow motion in the scene just before the funeral of the small boy who drowned. The brothers goes out from the cottage, there is music, slow motion and flesh back to the father's funeral day before one year in New York. I really loved that scene.It added so much meaning to the whole movie. The scenario is written along with Sofia Coppola's older brother Roman Coppola (director of the highly under-appreciated "CQ"), Schwartzman and Anderson, over the course of two years, in various locales banged out a script about three estranged brothers who try and reconnect after the death of their father via a spiritual journey. I found the sense of humor(due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray)and the dialog brilliant enough to become cult one.
The 13 minutes movie "The CHEVALIER Hotel" is a story for itself. Very stylish, nostalgic bit Wong Karwai like rememberable 13 minutes with rememberable NAtali Portman nude scene and the dialog that goes something like this:

Natalie: How long are you here?
Schwartzman:I don't know.
Natali: More then a week..?
Schwartzman:More than a week.
Natali: More then a month?
Schwartzman:More then a month.
Natalie: Did you slept with someone else?
Schwartzman:No. And you?
Natali(pause): No.
Schwartzman:That was a long pause.(pause) But I guess it doesn't matter.
Natali: It doesn't . (kissing) Whatever happens I don't wanna lose you as a friend"
Schwartzman:" I can promise you, I will never be your friend. "

Honestly, I wish to see a movie about the "more then a month" stay in the CHEVALIER hotel in Paris and the love consequences further between the two...

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